Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Jual Beras

JualBeras di Jakarta
JualBeras mutrah di Jakarta
Agen Beras di Jakarta
JualBeras murah di Jakarta
Jual Beras murah di Jkarta
Jua Beras
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Fuel oil (FUEL) is considered a sacred commodity for parties who have political interests. The Director of the Center for the study of public policy (Puskepi) Sofyano Zakaria was not surprised many people reacted violently when fuel prices do not offset the oil world when both went down.

"But we are very mahfum, if fuel prices go down, the prices of basic food, clothing and transportation tariffs did not enter goes down. Unlike the FUEL price rises, then the direct inflation increased and prices rose immediately, "said Sofyano, Sunday (20/3).

Sofyano rate, the Government needs to look at it properly so as not to get caught up with the interests of a handful of people. Because, in reality, not all people use FUEL directly. In contrast to rice in Indonesia where everyone inevitably eat rice.

"That is, people need the stability of fuel prices. Do not up and down like a yoyo. The price of rice goes up or down, barely elicited a reaction and protest loudly. But if fuel, looks harsh reactions to certain parties, "said Sofyano
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